Photo credit: Tim Ireland, PA Images
NOTE: Recruitment has now closed! Please join our mailing list here to receive future calls for participants
We are currently carrying out research at PEARL to find out how commuting on a crowded tube train affects people’s stress levels. The experiment will run on the 28th and 29th October and potential participants should be over 18 years who use the London Underground.
Please note that we are looking for two types of participants:
Group A: participants in this group will be the crowds during the experiment. You will need to stay between 9:15 - 17:00 (there will be a 45-minute lunch break in between) at PEARL and you will be paid £120 per day.
Group B: participants in this group will have their stress levels measured. During the experiment, we will fit you with different equipment to measure your neurophysiological response. You will need to come to PEARL on both days and stay for about 1 hour each day. You will be paid £80 in total.
Please read the attached documents to find information on the exclusion criteria and consent.
If you would like to participate, please click here to fill in the online form and the researcher will contact you for scheduling.