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Call for Participants: Visual Behaviour of Pedestrians at an Unsignalised Crossing

Hi! There will be an experiment at UCL PEARL from 25th September to 5th October I wanted to bring to your attention. The experiment is to understand how people make road crossing decisions under different visual conditions. We are looking for participants who are over eighteen (18) years old and have the ability to stand for a minimum of forty-five (45) minutes. They should have normal hearing and normal or corrected-to-normal vision. For compensation, participants will receive £40 for 2 hours and £10 to help cover their cost of travel. People interested in participating should please send their emails to . For directions on how to reach UCL PEARL, please click here

Please find the information sheet below.

If you have any queries, please let us know how we can be of further assistance. Kind regards,

The PEARL Team

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